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Depression - Grief, Anger & Guilt


Depression is classified as a mood disorder. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday activities. It can influence all aspects of your life, and lead to chronic health conditions.

Depression can be more than a constant state of sadness or feeling “blue.” Major depression and Clinical Depression can cause a variety of symptoms, which may be ongoing or come and go, and can affect: your mood, your behaviour, your emotional and physical well-being, your libido, your sleep, and your cognitive ability.


Grief & Loss

We grieve when we lose something we value – the greater the value of the thing we have lost, the more intense our grief. Traumatic reactions can be overwhelming and occur when the event is interpreted as creating a world that is now... "different" for us.


We grieve for many reasons, be it the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, or the loss of good health. In fact, even events of a wider scale, such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and of course... world-wide pandemics, can cause people to grieve at the loss of their sense of safety and security. Anytime something significant is taken away from us, we grieve; and that grieving process can trigger a host of unfamiliar and confusing emotions and behaviours.


Physically, the heartbreak of grief can increase blood pressure and the risk of blood clots. Intense grief can alter the heart muscle so much that it causes "broken heart syndrome," a form of heart disease with the same symptoms as a heart attack; and stress links the emotional and physical aspects of grief.


"Others can only understand the intensity of the loss when they understand the meaning another ascribes to the loss or change." Julianne Whyte


Hypnotherapy offers a transformative approach to help individuals navigate the complexities of depression and grief. By accessing the subconscious mind, Hypnotherapy allows clients to uncover and address the root causes of their emotional struggles. In a safe and supportive environment, skilled Hypnotherapists guide clients through relaxation and guided visualization techniques, empowering them to release repressed emotions, gain insights, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Through this process, clients can find relief from the weight of depression and grief, fostering a path towards healing, resilience, and renewed hope for a brighter future. Hypnotherapy provides a profound opportunity for individuals to reclaim their emotional well-being and embrace life with a newfound sense of peace and inner strength.

Anger & Resentment

Anger is a natural and mostly automatic response to pain of one form or another (physical or emotional). Anger can occur when people don't feel well, feel rejected, feel threatened, or experience some loss. The type of pain does not matter, the important thing is that the pain experienced is unpleasant. Because anger never occurs in isolation but rather is necessarily preceded by pain feelings, and therefore, is often characterized as a ''second-hand'' emotion.


Pain alone is not enough to cause anger. Anger occurs when pain is combined with some anger-triggering thought, and thoughts that can trigger anger include personal assessments, assumptions, evaluations, or interpretations of situations that makes people think that someone else is attempting (consciously or not) to hurt them or someone they care about.


Anger can also be a substitute emotion. By this we mean that sometimes people make themselves angry so that they don't have to feel pain. Being angry rather than simply in pain has a number of advantages, primarily... distraction.


Anger thus temporarily protects people from having to recognize and deal with their painful real feelings, and can help you to hide the reality that you find a situation frightening or that you feel vulnerable.


From anger usually comes resentment. Resentment is often defined as anger and indignation experienced as a result of unfair treatment, and it's a relatively common emotion. Those who experience resentment may have feelings of annoyance and shame—they might also harbour a desire for revenge.


Guilt & Shame

Guilt is a feeling people typically have after doing, or perceiving that they have done something wrong, intentionally or accidentally. As a result, shame can and often will follow. Shame however, is a feeling that your whole self is wrong, and it may not be related to a specific behaviour or event.


Whether you're experiencing feelings of guilt, shame, anger or resentment... the toll on your mental, emotional and physical health, can be great. Not to mention the fact that these toxic emotions can interfere with your relationships, your work and your life.


Hypnotherapy can greatly help with releasing these emotions, and by accessing your sub-conscious mind in order to find and deal with the "root" cause, we can neutralise it and remove it from your sub-conscious, re-programming and re-placing the negatives with a positive new way of thinking, feeling and behaving.

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